Rocket Launcher

Taiwan and Japan!

John's and Jewel's Pictures
Last updated 30 November, 2012
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Auntie Oscar's Photos of John Carlsen

Baby Shower At Angie's
Nuasis Baby Shower

January 20, 2004 Grandma's funeral reception pictures

November 2003 Trip to Italy: Milan, Venice, Florence, Rome
Taiwan Lantern Festival February 2003 , Yen-shuei Fireworks Movie

Our Takoyaki Party on 1 June, 2002

Our 2002 trip to Bali and Taiwan
Jessica and John's Wedding Album

Bronze Casting Workshop Pictures
Bronze Casting Workshop Pictures from 25 May, 2002
Bronze Casting Workshop Pictures from 28 Sept/5 Oct, 2002
Bronze Casting Head Project Pictures from Sept/Oct, 2002

Kern Cutting/Engraving Table
PlasmaCam Cutting Table
Sharplan 2100 YAG Medical Laser

Halloween 2001 Pictures
Nepal Pictures
Cave Holography
My Mango Tree

Christmas Card 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

Some of Jessica's Flowers
The Crib That Took Forever...
Teak Deck Table Pics
Router Table Pic
Some Old Glasswork